Data Sharing

There are now many ways in which your medical information can be shared for the benefit of your health and the wider health community. Please see below an explanation of the types of data sharing currently available.


Summary Care Record

The Summary Care Record is an electronic patient record summary that is held on a central NHS database (The Spine). The data held will consist of personal details, problems, medication and allergies. It is not a copy of the entire record.

The purpose of the Summary Care Record is so that if you were to need emergency treatment somewhere else in the UK eg: Scotland, the local practice or hospital would be able to view your Summary Care Record in order to give safer and more informed treatment.

For example if you were unconscious but had severe allergies, the Summary Care Record would contain this information and potentially save your life.

This data cant be used by anyone outside of the NHS and access is carefully monitored.



Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG)

A Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) operates in East Kent which enables clinicians to securely share up-to-date patient data regardless of what software systems they use. This is intended to improve patient care by increasing the amount of information available to clinicians involved in your care.

For example, if you were under the care of a hospital consultant at Kent and Canterbury Hospital, the consultation would, with your permission, be able to view detailed information about your medical history.