Elbow, Hand & Wrist

Whitstable Medical Practice offers an Elbow, Wrist and Hand which is accessible to any patient registered with Whitstable Medical Practice aged 18+.

Upon referral from your GP, you will contacted to book an appointment with the team which consists of a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.

Bandaged Wrist


What is the Elbow, Hand & Wrist Clinic?

When you attend the Elbow, Hand and Wrist Clinic you will almost certainly see an Orthopaedic Consultant from the East Kent Hospitals Trust. This appointment will normally last approximately 10 minutes, during this time a full history of your present complaint will be taken. If you are asked to have a follow-up appointment, they will always be with the Orthopaedic Consultant. During your first appointment it may be decided that surgery is going to benefit you, if so, this will be organised and you are likely to be asked to come back at a later date to check up on your progress since your operation.

Following your appointment in the Elbow, Hand & Wrist clinic, the clinician you saw will report the outcome to your GP. The Clinician will give you instructions about any medication you may be prescribed but these details will also be communicated to your GP. If you require a repeat issue of your medication, this will be issued by your own GP.

After a few visits to the Elbow, Hand & Wrist Clinic you may be discharged back to the care of your GP. However, if the condition for which you have been treated re-occurs you can contact us for a further review.


Contacting us

If for any reason you cannot make your appointment, or if you have any queries following an appointment, please contact our Clinical Services Patient Coordinators on 01227 284314 or 01227 284315 (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm).

Whilst you are under the care of the Elbow, Hand and Wrist clinic, please ensure that you inform us of any change to your address or telephone number.


Clinic Locations

Estuary View Medical Centre
Boorman Way