Active Practice Charter Award


Our practice has been awarded the Royal College of GPs Active Practice Charter award.

Our practice has been awarded the Royal College of GPs Active Practice Charter award. As a practice we recognise the health benefits of regular physical activity and breaking up time seated or lying. We have been awarded this after putting in an application outlining the projects that have been undertaken in the practice especially over the past year. For example:

  • Being a Parkrun Practice and starting new projects to encourage more patients and staff to come along
  • A walk and talk group with the lifestyle advisor from WHC on Tuesday mornings - contact Patri Beeson for information: 07917 814564
  • Whitstable Medical Practice Lifestyle Medicine group set up to promote lifestyle including physical activity as a key way to prevent, treat and even sometimes reverse chronic diseases
  • Back health sessions for staff
  • Staff education sessions on Lifestyle Medicine including physical activity
  • Staff social events and sponsored events that incorporate physical activity e.g. sponsored walks

Useful Links

The benefits of regular physical activity are huge and more resources are available on the "Moving Medicine" website as well as the RCGP Physical activity.

They are also available on the RCGP Physical Activity Hub website.

Please also see our Lifestyle as Medicine - Physical Activity page for more information and links to the NHS fitness studio which is free.

Published: Oct 11, 2024

Veteran Friendly Armed Forces veteran
friendly accredited
GP practice
QiC Dermatology - Quality in Care Programme 2024
Proud to be a Parkrun Practice