
Whitstable Medical Practice offers an Ultrasound Clinic which is accessible to any patient registered within East Kent aged 18+

Upon referral from your GP, you will be sent an appointment with our team of sonographers.

Ultrasound in action


What is an Ultrasound scan?

Ultrasound examination is simple, safe and painless and does not use X-rays. Ultrasound is composed of high frequency sound waves above the limit of human hearing. These waves pass through the body and provide information about internal organs and structures when they are displayed onto a TV monitor. An ultrasound scan is a painless and safe test that uses sound waves to create images of organs and structures inside your body. It is a very commonly used test, as it uses sound waves and not radiation. Ultrasound can be used to look at all soft tissue structures and blood vessels. There are no medical conditions that prevent us performing an ultrasound.


The Appointment

The examination is carried out by a sonographer that specialises in ultrasound examinations. The sonographer will explain the procedure to you and answer any further questions you may have.

You will be taken into the ultrasound room and asked to lie down on a couch. Some gel will be placed on the area of the body to be examined. A small plastic probe is then moved gently over the skin to obtain the image for the Ultra sonographer to look at on the monitor. Sometimes you will be asked to hold your breath or roll to one side. The scan is painless, although you may feel some pressure as the probe is applied to get a better view. After the examination, the gel can be wiped off the skin.


What preparations are required?

Upper Abdominal Scan

DO NOT have anything to eat during the six hours before your appointment. Only drink water during these six hours and please ensure you drink one pint of water over the one hour period before the examination and DO NOT empty your bladder. If you are diabetic, please check with your GP or practice nurse as a change in medication maybe required during this period of fasting.

Pelvic Scan

You can eat normally but you must drink at least one litre (two pints) of water over a two hour period before your appointment. DO NOT empty your bladder prior the scan. If you do not have a full bladder, it may not be possible to carry out the scan. During the pelvic scan it may be necessary for a transvaginal scan to be performed. This involves inserting a special probe into the vagina and should not be uncomfortable. The sonographer will decide if this is needed and will discuss this with you and gain verbal consent before proceeding. You have the right to decline this procedure.

Upper Abdominal and Pelvic Scan

DO NOT have anything to eat during the six hours before your appointment. Only drink water during these six hours and please ensure you drink two pints of water over the two hour period before the examination and DO NOT empty your bladder. If you do not have a full bladder, it may not be possible to carry out the scan.

Renal/Urinary Tract Ultrasound

You can eat normally but you must drink at least one litre (two pints) of water over the one hour period before your appointment. DO NOT empty your bladder prior to the scan. If you do not have a full bladder it may not be possible to carry out the scan.

All other scans that are not listed above

No preparation is needed if you are having any other type of scan apart from four listed above (as indicated on your appointment letter).

There are no after effects and you may resume normal activities after the examination. The ultrasound report will be received by the doctor who referred you within four working days of your ultrasound scan. Your doctor is the person to discuss the findings with you in more detail.



If for any reason you cannot make your appointment, or if you have any queries following an appointment, please contact our Clinical Services Patient Coordinators on 01227 284314 or 01227 284315 (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm).

Whilst you are under the care of the Ultrasound Service, please ensure that you inform us of any change to your address or telephone number.


Clinic Location

Estuary View Medical Centre
Boorman Way