Clinics and Services

Doctors and nurses may use any day to day contact with you to discuss your general health. In addition the practice provides the following special services:

Child Health Services

All children under 5 are seen regularly by the Health Visitors, who also carry out developmental checks at appropriate intervals. Routine immunisations are a most important part of preventative care for children, and we strongly recommend that your child has all the immunisations offered.

Image of a child and parent in a clinic appointment


Well Baby Clinics

Please contact the Health Visiting team on 03007 900 156 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm) for more information about Well Baby Clinics.


Young People Services

We are a Young People Friendly Practice and offer services and advice for young patients.

Visit our Young Patients page


Minor Illness

We assess and treat a variety of conditions at Whitstable, Chestfield and Estuary View, including: asthma attacks, tonsillitis, ear infections, skin conditions, urine infections and requests for emergency contraception.


Image close up of a pregnant person holding small pink baby shoes over there baby bump

Community Midwives

Once it is confirmed you are pregnant, you will need to self-refer to the local maternity team.

This can be done by completing this online form.

Once you have done this, your GP will also be notified.

Please ensure you receive a confirmation email. The maternity team will be in touch with you in due course but can be  contacted on 01227 868772 if you need to speak with them.

Up until 12 weeks of pregnancy it is recommended that you take a supplement of Folic Acid 400 micrograms daily.


Smear Clinics

We advise all women to have a cervical smear every three years between the ages of 25 and 50 years and then five yearly up to the age of 64. Smear clinics are run by our nurses and reminders will be sent routinely to all eligible women.



Family Planning Services

All doctors provide contraceptive advice in their surgeries, but in addition there are special clinics for more specific advice, which includes the fitting of caps or coils.



We provide travel immunisations, flu vaccination and other immunisation advice


Maternity Care

We try to ensure that the most routine antenatal care is carried out at the Health Centres by your own doctor and the Community Midwife.


Heart Disease Prevention and Hypertension Clinics

Our practice nurses run regular clinics for people with high blood pressure or coronary heart disease (eg heart attacks). We advise people receiving treatment for these conditions to attend a clinic annually.


Diabetic Clinics

Diabetes is a long-term illness with potential complications which can be prevented with regular care. We provide specialised advice involving a doctor, nurse, dietician, chiropodist and eye screening.


Asthma Clinics

Asthma is common in adults and children. Our specialist asthma nurses can help people with asthma understand and take more control of their condition, so that the asthma does not restrict life and activities. We recommend a routine review at least once a year, and offer a choice of face-to-face or telephone consultations.

Image of a asthma pump on a white table



This specialist test of lung function is available in the surgery. It is particularly useful to help diagnose and monitor chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (emphysema). Please click here for important pre-appointment information


Blood Tests (Phlebotomy)

If your doctor recommends a blood test, a Treatment Room Patient Coordinator will make an appointment with the phlebotomy clinic. Please remember to bring your blood test form with you to the clinic, or the phlebotomist will not know what blood samples to take. Blood tests have to be done before 12 noon or they will miss the transport that takes them to the hospital.



New Patient Screening

All new patients from the age of 5 are offered an initial medical assessment appointment with their doctor or a practice nurse.


Minor Surgery

In addition to your doctors’ surgeries we have experienced nurses able to assess and advise on a number of minor complaints. Back-up support is always available for our nurses if required. To make an appointment with the minor illness clinic please telephone the number for the doctor with whom you are registered.

We are registered and qualified to perform minor surgery. The premises are fully equipped and staffed for this and these procedures are carried out in the Treatment Room by arrangement with your doctor.